Obama’s Syria Strategy: ‘Scrambling’ and ‘Desperate’ as Putin Takes Charge
What a week for President Obama and his toe-in-the-water strategy to stabilize the riotous anarchy that is Syria. The administration can do all the papering over they wish, but there’s no obscuring the truth that just landed with a thud:…

With Xi and Putin, Obama Sets the U.S. on a Course of Confusion
President Obama’s September agenda will need a glass case all its own when his presidential library is built. Straight from Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit, Obama is now scheduled to meet Vladimir Putin at the U.N. Monday. Count Pope…

How America built its empire: The real history of American foreign policy that the media won’t tell you
Perry Anderson sits down with Salon to discuss the Cold War, Hiroshima, American exceptionalism, Iran and more The other day I wrote Perry Anderson, the subject of the following interview, to ask what he thought of the foreign policy debates,…

We do what we damn well please: The demented American exceptionalism behind the neo-con foreign policy con
The right wants to substitute religious belief and ideology for reality and smarts. The Iran deal won’t derail them A few blocks south of where I sit, the 70th General Assembly just opened in the U.N.’s glass slab on Manhattan’s East…

How the Iran Deal Alters Ties That Bind
Whatever one thinks of the accord governing Iran’s nuclear program, Iran and the six nations that sat across from it for 18 tough months of negotiation—the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China—will begin this autumn to implement the deal…

America owns this nightmare: Everything Thomas Friedman and the media gets wrong about the migrant crisis
The refugee disaster unfolding across Europe is the result of decades — even centuries — of Western policies It is not that the West, or America in particular, is responsible for everything that befalls our awful world. Readers sometimes make…

Why Europe’s Migrant Crisis Also Belongs to America
Now that the flood of migrants into Europe has reached truly historic proportions, it’s time to acknowledge this as a moment of transformation—and not only in Europe. We’ve all seen the images, watched the television footage, and read the news…

Outright lies from the New York Times: What you need to know about the dangerous new phase in the Ukraine crisis
While establishment media toe Washington’s line, violence and instability have shaken the Ukraine this week The slightly fetid “phony war” in Ukraine—the unsettling stagnation noted in this space a month ago—is emphatically over. Suddenly there is movement on several fronts,…

3 Major Lessons From the China Crisis That Wasn’t
Now that the stock market has ended its foolish careening in response to China’s modest, sensible adjustment in its exchange-rate mechanism, where are we? To borrow from Donald Rumsfeld’s famous observation about defense planning, there’s what we know, what we…

The government’s authoritarian war on journalism: How a flaccid press enabled this Orwellian disgrace
Officials launch an all-out assault on free press — with nary an objection from the Fourth Estate’s guardians. Many readers will know, or know of, the Committee to Protect Journalists. It has been around since the early 1980s and does…
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