“Land and conquest.”
Where there is no law. My first impression of Israel, as I sat in a taxi and looked out the window on an early evening in April of this year, was shock. Much of the land I rode through on…

“On tax resistance.”
Breaking the law to observe the law. Over the past year, the United States and Israel have been committing genocide in Gaza. By these actions, both have proven themselves to be illegitimate states. This imposes a rare responsibility on Americans….

Patrick Lawrence: ‘Who Do You Want to Win?’
A friend in England, a dweller in bucolic Somerset along with the Black Angus herds and the sheep, forwards a piece by a Times of London columnist that merits careful consideration. Matthew Syed, who has distinguished himself as a ping–pong…

Patrick Lawrence: Powerlessness
Let us begin with some facts of the cold, hard kind concerning conditions in Gaza and the West Bank after nearly a year of terrorist Israel’s daily assaults on the Palestinian populations in both places. These statistics derive from a…

Resilience in the West Bank. The morning was already unbearably warm when I walked out of the Jaffa Gate. Pulling my suitcase behind me, I descended a long flight of steps to the road below to catch a bus for…

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Defending Humanity
In the face of the dangerous U.S. determination to prolong its global primacy, a reform movement to reconstruct our long-abused global institutions merits serious attention. Anyone taking up the question of our shared humanity in the late summer of 2024 must begin…

Patrick Lawrence: The ‘War Party’ Makes Its Plans
The Biden White House and the Democratic Party machine trying to advance Kamala Harris from No. 2 in the regime to No. 1 gets more interesting by the week, I have to say. The Harris campaign has at last, two…

“‘Kamala’ and the self-deluding ‘left.'”
The semiology of flowers. Many commentators have attempted to describe the astonishing devolution of Democratic Party politics into sheer marketing: Kamala Harris as product, “new and improved” like a laundry detergent or a frozen dinner. Vanessa Beeley comes up with…

PATRICK LAWRENCE: ‘Vote Joy’ — a Delusion of Nostalgia
Those populating the vice president’s joy-and-vibes crowd can pretend to celebrate a state of elation while acquiescing to their candidate’s approval of mass murder. Many commentators have attempted to describe the astonishing devolution of Democratic Party politics into sheer marketing: Kamala…
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Nasrallah Is Dead But Bibi Hasn’t Won
Many people now mourn Nasrallah’s death, in Lebanon and elsewhere, but Hezbollah’s existence is nowhere near in question. You have probably heard by now, or heard about, Bibi Netanyahu’s viciously vituperative hate speech before the U.N. General Assembly last Friday. The Israeli…