Peace in Korea is possible: Talks between Trump and Kim Jong-un will define the future
Foreign policy cliques in D.C. are eager to shut down this process: America’s choice is to join or risk isolation A few weeks ago, it was sensible to ask where the Trump administration intended to take the diplomatic process on…

Trump and allies approach World War III in Syria, on literally no evidence
How much do we really know about the alleged chemical attack in Syria? Almost nothing. Has anyone noticed? “… to punish President Bashar al-Assad for a suspected chemical attack…” Do we all understand what is gravely wrong with this phrase?…

Italian writer Edoardo Nesi on the illusions of global capitalism: “We have lost our way”
Novelist and essayist Edoardo Nesi tells the story of one city’s decline. It’s also the decline of our civilization We all know all about globalization and its consequences, to note the obvious. But how many of us know how well…

The Skripal snafu: Whose interests are served by confrontation with Russia?
Theresa May is pushing a global showdown with Moscow over a shadowy poisoning case. Who stands to gain from this? Britain, the United States, numerous Continental allies, Canada, Australia and even NATO piled on the Skripal case this past week…

Let’s Not Fall Into the Cold-War Arms-Control Trap
For our national security, we need self-control more than we need arms-control talks. Let us think together about the letter four United States senators sent recently to the now departed secretary of state Rex Tillerson, urging him to start arms-control…

Will John Bolton ruin the chances for peace on the Korean peninsula?
South Korea’s president has created a major opening for peace with the North — if America will give it a chance Korea now gets more kinetic by the day and deserves the close attention of anyone curious to know what…

Behind this week’s Russia headlines: A mystery, a leap to conclusions and a fateful turn
Did the Russians try to murder a former spy? Maybe. But that has little to do with the larger Russophobe narrative What a week for the Russophobes. The British government pins an unsolved murder attempt on Moscow, and the French,…

Trump’s summit with Kim could be a breakthrough — if the generals allow it to happen
Trump said yes to Kim Jong Un — and threw the foreign policy elite into turmoil. It might be his only good idea Is Washington caught once again with its trou down around its ankles? So it would seem. This…

Team Trump seems bent on undoing the Iran deal: So what happens next?
Major global disorder lies ahead if the McMaster clique dismantles the Iran deal. In some ways that might be good We had better brace ourselves for a further descent into global disorder: The next round in the Trump administration’s determined…

Syria’s tragedy, America’s crime: The collapse of national sovereignty
Of all the tragedies befalling Syria and its people over the past seven years, there is one that cannot — or cannot precisely — be measured in casualty counts, ruined towns and cities, or the number of refugees now wandering…
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