Patrick Lawrence: Our Shared Addiction to Empire
“If the Columbus myth has been thoroughly discounted, what is it that causes us to continue closing the banks, stopping the mail, and marching in parades on a Monday around October 12 each year?” Columbus Day: I wasn’t sure America…

Patrick Lawrence: Sins of Silence
The media’s treatment of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage is reminiscent of a time in the 60s when disaster could have been avoided with responsible reporting. In early April 1961, New York Times correspondent Tad Szulc filed a story from…

Patrick Lawrence: The Strong, and the Merely Powerful
In the world order now emerging, it is genuinely strong nations that will prevail over those reliant on power alone, and force will have little to do with it. Vladimir Putin’s speech from the Kremlin last Friday, delivered to the nation…

“‘A C.I.A. theme park.'”
Ukraine as John Pilger saw it eight years ago. John Pilger, the noted Australian-British journalist and filmmaker, published the following piece in The Guardian on 13 May 2014, three months after the U.S.-cultivated coup in Kiev set Ukraine on the path to…

Patrick Lawrence: The West—Technocrats, Incompetents, Ideologues
When the Italian Senate names party leader Giogia Meloni premier at the end of October, as is widely expected, Italy will be the first founding member of the European Union to be governed by a vigorously nationalist coalition. We are…

Our Coverage of the Ukraine War
CN has been ahead of the news on Ukraine, from reporting the coup and warning of nuclear catastrophe as far back as 2015, to news of the current phase of the conflict. Help us to continue our coverage. On Feb. 23,…

“Revanchism in Germany.”
Russophobia, revenge, and the corruption of memory. The Scrum is pleased to bring Diana Johnstone back into its pages. In this exceptionally insightful piece the distinguished Europeanist leads us into those nether regions wherein we find the deep roots of the…

Patrick Lawrence: In the Terrain of Word War III
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) advanced decisively into Russian-held territory in northeastern Ukraine two weeks ago, exposing the weakness, incompetence, and cowardice of Russian soldiers and officers. The tide of this war has turned. The Russian army is on…

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Appointment in Samarkand
Western coverage of last week’s summit in Uzbekistan brings us face-to-face with the extent to which Americans are not supposed to see the world turning. Only in America, Land of Opportunists, can you awaken on an early autumn Sunday to a…

“‘Stable as mountains.'”
Putin and Xi in Samarkand. The Scrum is delighted to welcome Ray McGovern into its pages with the following comment on the true state of Sino-Russian relations. Ray will be known to many readers: After a long and distinguished career as…
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