"The end of Kevin McCarthy."

“The end of Kevin McCarthy.”

The Democrats miscalculate. Schadenfreude might well be how the Democrats are feeling with the removal of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker earlier this week, but buyer’s remorse is almost certain to follow, given that whoever succeeds McCarthy will almost certainly…

"Propaganda's casualties.

“Propaganda’s casualties.

Our psychological and social disintegration. Like many American kids I was raised, in part, on Saturday morning cartoons, and one of the programs my siblings and I routinely watched was “The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.” It was no accident that…

"'The undiscovered country.'"

“‘The undiscovered country.'”

We are responsible for our irresponsibility. When I travel abroad, which is infrequently these days, I find myself more than occasionally expressing gratitude to those I meet. “We Americans are fortunate,” I explain, “in that others are usually able to…