“Al–Mughayyir kindergarten.”

“Al–Mughayyir kindergarten.”

An update.

I write to share with readers, especially those who have supported the al–Mughayyir kindergarten project, news of the current state of play. The situation in the West Bank is such that construction of the playground has been put on hold. In my reading this is a temporary circumstance. Of the funds donated only a small fraction, US$600, has been spent on work that was done grading the site. Our funding partner now holds all remaining funds.

Conditions in the Ramallah governorate, where the village is located, are volatile at the moment. In consequence of this, two members of the community organization with which I am working were recently arrested. As you know, Israeli occupation forces continue to arrest and imprison thousands of West Bank Palestinians, most of whom are held on administrative arrest without any charge. This is the case with those with whom I have been working. The effect is extremely traumatic and disruptive to families and communities. Precisely as it is intended to be.

I publish this update as I return to the West Bank, where I will meet with representatives from our partner organization. I hope to have news to share after this meeting. In addition to this unfortunate turn of events, we are now faced with the approach of winter. It will not be possible to move ahead with construction once winter begins because concrete cannot be poured in cold temperatures.

It is with a heavy heart that I share news of this delay with you. But I am confident this project will move ahead. I ask for your patience, and of course your continued support. Palestinians have been living with these kinds of uncertainties, disruptions, and disappointments—and far worse—for nearly a century. They have consequently developed the practice of sumud, which translates as “steadfastness” or “steadfast perseverance.”

In my view this setback presents an opportunity for us, those of us who have donated to and otherwise support this project, to practice sumud in solidarity with the kindergartners of al–Mughayyir and our West Bank brothers and sisters who are living with so much violence and uncertainty.

I will provide additional updates once I am there.

If you have any questions or concerns you can reach me directly by email: winterwheat7@gmail.com.
