Patrick Lawrence: Deeper Into Depravity
Diego Ramos, ScheerPost’s managing editor, forwarded me a video clip last week he thought I ought to see. Sending it under the subject line, “Disturbing trend in Israel,” my colleague must have reckoned I have not been sufficiently shocked by…

Patrick Lawrence: Full-Dress Irrationality
Biden wastes an additional $105 billion. Whenever Joe Biden speaks, you have to make sure your bullshit detector is switched on, to borrow Hemingway’s pungent phrase. As is well-documented, our president has spent his public life making it up as…

Patrick Lawrence: Roger Waters and the One-State Solution
Breaking the silence. When the topic is Israel, you have to be very precise if you write for The New York Times opinion page. There is no endorsing the racist grotesques who sit in a coalition with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s…

“Roger Waters and the one-state solution.”
Breaking the silence. 18 OCTOBER—When the topic is Israel, you have to be very precise if you write for The New York Times opinion page. There is no endorsing the racist grotesques who sit in a coalition with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s also…

“Humanity in exile.”
Four decades of neoliberal reforms. We first met Luka Filipović when he spoke this summer at a conference in Switzerland we have noted previously in these pages. We were immediately struck by the force and confidence with which Luka spoke. He…

Patrick Lawrence: ‘Innocent Israelis’
Of all the gruesome images and stomach-turning news reports to come out of Israel since Hamas launched its daring attack across the Gaza border last Saturday, one incident stays stubbornly with me. It occurred early on the morning of the…

“‘Innocent Israelis.'”
Indifference in the desert. Of all the gruesome images and stomach-turning news reports to come out of Israel since Hamas launched its daring attack across the Gaza border last Saturday, one incident stays stubbornly with me. It occurred early on…

“The end of Kevin McCarthy.”
The Democrats miscalculate. Schadenfreude might well be how the Democrats are feeling with the removal of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker earlier this week, but buyer’s remorse is almost certain to follow, given that whoever succeeds McCarthy will almost certainly…

Patrick Lawrence: Depleted Ukrainium
What Comes After Failure? You cannot name the last time you read anything about a parliamentary election in Slovakia, so I won’t bother asking. But you are reading about one this week, assuming you still follow mainstream media—if only to…
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Decency Becomes Indecent
At this point, Washington’s defense of Israel becomes as baldly obscene as the apartheid state’s long record of lawless aggression toward the Palestinian population. There have been many, very many singular moments among America’s purported leaders and assorted officials and…