If it’s hard for you to deal with Korean peace talks because of Trump, maybe get your head checked
The military-industrial-national-security-media complex now lines up steadfastly in defense of the wrong choice It is now more than a week since the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, and still Americans have not come to terms with precisely what happened that fateful…
Journal Entry #36
Letters from a Reader and Friend. NORFOLK, CONN., JUNE 22—I am blessed with some loyal readers, among whom one or two or three stand out for their encouragement of the work, their support of the work, and a certain kind…
Journal Entry #35
A Second Pair of Eyes. LAKE WARAMAUG, CONN., JUNE 10—I do not know exactly when it was I realized what I had been doing all those years in Asia as a paid observer, an officially sanctioned outsider, someone who made…
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