Journal Entry #34
Epistle to the Australians. NORFOLK, CONN., MAY 31—Every time I pick up an edition of Quarterly Essay I envy Australians. It is published by Black Inc., a book publisher with discerning judgment, in Carlton, near Melbourne, and is among the…

Trump Cancels Summit, FBI Spying, Pompeo vs Iran, Weinstein in Court
On today’s episode of Loud & Clear, Walter Smolarek (sitting in for Brian Becker) and John Kiriakou are joined by Jim Kavanagh, the editor of, and Patrick Lawrence, author of “Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century” whose…

Journal Entry #33
Two Unserious Ladies. NORFOLK, CONN., MAY 20—I have been thinking off and on lately about Gina Haspel. It is difficult to keep this odious person from one’s mind, much as one would like to: A known torturer (and unprosecuted felon…

Is the Korean spring now over and the Trump-Kim summit on hold? Maybe — and maybe not
Trump’s hawkish advisers are clearly trying to scuttle peace talks. But China and North Korea may be ahead of them The potentially historic summit of Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un is on. No, it is off and we will…

After the Iran deal: A foreign policy built on arrogance, ignorance and sheer desperation
American foreign policy has long trended toward dark places. Under this administration, that has accelerated I am with Craig Murray now that the Trump administration has determined to scuttle the accord governing Iran’s nuclear programs. “This moment will be seen…

Trump is about to kill the Iran deal — and what lies ahead could be catastrophe
Next act of decaying American empire: Abandoning a deal that promised a new beginning in the Middle East Here comes the next act in the Theater of Desperation that Washington has made of American foreign policy. Unless President Trump changes…
Journal Entry #32
Clear and Present Danger. NORFOLK, CONN., MAY 2—I am not alone in lauding the historic summit last week in Korea and seeing in the Kim–Moon encounter at the 38th parallel a genuine chance to achieve a durable peace in Northeast…
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