U.S. China Policy: Incoherent and Dangerous
The cement is hardly dry on America’s new policy to forge new Asia-Pacific alliances, and already the post–Iraq endeavor is coming across as a collection of incoherent contradictions. Consider: *We say we want to build closer ties with China, but…

U.S. Clout in Mideast at Stake with New Protests
There are two lessons to be learned about the dreadful spree of anti–American violence and protest that swept the Islamic world last week in apparent response to an anti–Islamic film that went regrettably viral. First, America can no longer ignore…

Europe Got the Buyout but Will It Get the Buy In?
The best that could be hoped for: That is the obvious way to look at the European Central Bank’s new plans to buy up the bonds of troubled members of the European Union. The markets loved the announcement last Thursday:…

As Merkel Goes, So Goes the European Union
The European Union is likely to take a step to finalize the Continent’s economic and financial recovery strategy. And make no mistake: We all have an interest in this phase of Europe’s protracted struggle to reshape itself. This Thursday, Mario…
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